Monday, November 12, 2007

I have been working on my writing course some more. I have one more assignment then I am done the course. I have also been working on a printed version of my journal entries. Soon all my journal entries- including this online writing journal- will all be abridged into one printed book that I hope I can get into a bound book form for family and friends when I am older.
I also have hopes to start working on The Thorn Prince again and get into the thick of writing once more. I also need to set aside time to just read, as I haven't done much of that either.

As a refresher, current projects are:

The Thorn Prince
Assignment Eight of course from ICL. Working title "Dryad Come Out"
Abridged Book of All Journal Entries

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Wow, it's been such a long time. I'm on my seventh assignment of my writing course, but I am on leave from the course cause I went through basic training this summer and right now my jaw is wired shut from corrective jaw surgery. But once I start feeling a little better I'll be right back on that course and finishing some other writing projects. Well everyone wish me luck.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Got "Space Cows" out the door, to my instructor. It'll probably be a little late. But oh well. If she was an editor or something. I think it would be way different, but she's my instructor, so it's not as important. Though I should remember to treat her like she is, because it's good practice for the time I'll actually have a real editor waiting on a manuscript. Well, all done. So now I'm working on my grandma's story, then hopefully I can jump into one of my other stories, or abandon them and start something new.

Cuyler Callahan

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Well, I have my rough copy of my new story "Space Cows" complete. My fifth assignment is due tomorrow, or at the least, should be in the mail by tomorrow. So hopefully tomorrow morning I'll finish the story, and the cover letter, and a small note to my instructor, then I'll speed mail it with the one day mailing service to the institute. Thats if all goes well. I already rewrote space cows once now. First I had my main character Waret rescuing cows in crates during a heavy intense space battle, but because of word restrictions, I couldn't get the full detail out on the paper the way it should be. So I cut back, and just made the story of Waret securing the cows, and getting himself to safety. It still is very good I think, but I would like the space battle. What I'm doing is keeping my first draft. That way later I can rewrite the story once again for a magazine with bigger word restrictions, so I can get a better fuller story in.

Well, I'm going to bed. It's been a long day.

Cuyler Callahan

Saturday, March 03, 2007

I read my course material for my next assignment. Now it's all about getting down to the writing. I think it will go good. My teacher likes the idea, and says its like a space western. I liked the idea as well, and when I am enthused about a project, I think my writing comes out pretty good. I'll have more for you later, maybe even a snippet from the story.

Talk to you all later,

Cuyler Callahan

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ya, Still no writing. I've been real interested in body building lately. So I have been writing, somewhat. Writing up my workout plans. I know, doesn't really count as writing, but oh well. Thought I would leave a link to my body building blog. You can check it out here.

Other then that, I did read up on my next assignment in my writing course. Have to write a story for the space cows proposal. Been feeling a little depressed lately, so that'll put a damper on my writing efforts, but I will have to get working on the march 14th assignment real soon.

Talk to you later guys. And don't worry, I'm not super depressed, just worried about stuff that's happening in my teenage years.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Well, once again, it's been a long while since I've posted on my blog. It's now the new year, two months in actually. I haven't written on any of my stories, accept some for my writing course. I have to write a story by March 14 for my writing course, so I'll be on that pretty soon. Then I have been working on a story my Uncle Ray and my Grandma have been writing. She had it all fixed up and ready to send out to editors, then somebody stole her laptop. Her wrists are to old, so she can't fix it up again because it hurts her to much, so now I'm fixing it up for her. Once thats all done, and my writing course assignment is done, I want to start working on "Greywoods" again, and on "The Thorn Prince". So thats how things have been going. Oh I did get some writing in. Wrote a poem for a girl I liked for valentines. She liked it, which made me super happy.

Well got to go and milk some beefers. I'll try to keep posting up to date from now on.