Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Well, I have my rough copy of my new story "Space Cows" complete. My fifth assignment is due tomorrow, or at the least, should be in the mail by tomorrow. So hopefully tomorrow morning I'll finish the story, and the cover letter, and a small note to my instructor, then I'll speed mail it with the one day mailing service to the institute. Thats if all goes well. I already rewrote space cows once now. First I had my main character Waret rescuing cows in crates during a heavy intense space battle, but because of word restrictions, I couldn't get the full detail out on the paper the way it should be. So I cut back, and just made the story of Waret securing the cows, and getting himself to safety. It still is very good I think, but I would like the space battle. What I'm doing is keeping my first draft. That way later I can rewrite the story once again for a magazine with bigger word restrictions, so I can get a better fuller story in.

Well, I'm going to bed. It's been a long day.

Cuyler Callahan

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